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Computer Use Policy

Meade Public Library Computer Use Policy

The Meade Public Library’s purpose of providing computers to the public is for access to information technology resources for our patrons.  Patrons are encouraged to use the computers for education and long distance learning, personal development, research and entertainment.  We have provided software to enable the various patron needs, including word processors, databases, spreadsheets, and Internet connectivity.  We strive to keep our software and computers in the best condition to provide security and privacy for our patrons.  We welcome you to use our computers, but ask that you abide by the following guidelines:

1. Patrons may use only software provided by the Library.  No programs may be loaded or downloaded on the computer’s hard drive without prior approval from the librarian. Patrons must save files to external memory devices, not to the computer’s hard drive, because information is automatically erased when the computer is shut down.  Anyone not complying with the above stipulations will lose computer privileges.

2. Meade Public Library is not responsible for damage to patron devices or for loss of data that may occur while using the library’s computer.  Patrons are responsible for library computer hardware and software while using them, and are liable for the cost of any damage to either.

3.  There is no charge for students for computer print-outs from library reference databases directly relating to course work.  The charge for other use of the printer is posted at the printer, payable at the time of printing.

4.  Patrons must sign in at the computer terminal for a one-half hour block of time.  That time may be extended for adults if no one is waiting to use the computer.  Library staff may ask patrons who have been using the computer for more than one-half hour to relinquish the machine.

5.  Patrons must read and sign a written agreement and abide by the Meade Public Library Computer Use Policy.

6.  Patrons are asked to report any equipment problems immediately to library staff.

7.  Library staff reserves the right to access any computer at any time.

8.  Meade Public Library reserves the right to limit or suspend a patron’s use of library computers for failure to follow either specific conditions for use or general library rules and regulations.

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